Puregraft fat grafting is changing the way aesthetic and reconstructive medicine is practiced, matching procedure results to patient demand.
We’ve spent over a decade perfecting our filtration technology to deliver the only fat grafting system clinically validated to improve long-term graft retention.
Differentiate your practice with predictable outcomes using superior fat.
To learn more about PureGraft, click here:
The Most Predictable Fat Graft On The Market - 97% PURE
Physicians have been seeking a way to improve the predictability of using autologous fat as a natural volumizer. Historically, the procedure has had inconsistent results, making it a difficult material to rely on, despite the numerous advantages of using fat compared to synthetic materials.
The Puregraft technology was developed to address the lack of standardization when preparing autologous fat grafts. With advanced filtering capabilities, Puregraft selectively washes fat tissue to remove contaminants such as blood, free lipid, and excess fluid in less than 15 minutes within a closed system. Removal of these contaminants improves graft retention, resulting in a consistently purified graft and more predicable outcomes.
Puregraft will integrate seamlessly into your practice - providing a simple, proven and powerful process to harvest, purify and deliver the fat graft.

Features & Benefits
Multiple sizes accommodate 30 – 850 mL of adipose tissue
Efficient processing in under 15 minutes
Selective filtration retains important growth factors and removes > 97% lipid, RBCs, and WBCs
Closed-system processing decreases risk of contamination
Consistently high graft quality across different harvest techniques
Procedure Benefits
User-controlled graft hydration minimizes the need for overfilling
Significantly reduced free lipid and blood cell content minimizes inflammation
Reduced inflammatory cell content minimizes immune response and reduces recovery time
Atraumatic handling minimizes tissue damage and increases graft viability
How It Works
PureGraft Before
Adipose tissue is injected into the Puregraft System and filtered through the first membrane to remove blood cells, free lipid, tumescent solution, and other impurities introduced from the liposuction process. The second membrane directs the flow of debris for draining into the waste bag.
The fat tissue is then washed twice with a defined volume of Lactated Ringer’s or saline solution.
Fluid In, Fluid Out
PureGraft After
The purified tissue is then extracted from Puregraft and prepared for re-injection into the body.
New for 2020, Reimbursement for Fat Grafting Has Increased
Up To 4 Times For Breast Reconstruction
Physician payments for fat transfer have increased and reflect the time and resources taken to support fat grafting in breast reconstruction. Reimbursement has transitioned from a flat rate to a volume-based reimbursement scale, shown below. To learn more and get detailed reimbursement codes, visit the Puregraft Breast Reconstruction site.

Contact for more reimbursement Information

30- 50 ml The puregraft 50 system was designed for small volume fat transfer applications such as face, hands and smaller breast revisions.

50-250 mL. The puregraft 250 system was designed for mid-volume applications suhc as natural breast augmentation and breast reconstruction